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Tender for the supply of the Vehicles (Minivan/minibus)

Tender for the supply of the Vehicles (Minivan/minibus)


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Things to consider 

If you are interested in submitting a bid for these items/services, kindly fill in the attached
submission form and send to the secure email address indicated below/ not later than July 31,
2024, at 10:00 AM (Kyiv time).

Secure email address for bid submission ua-procurement@unfpa.org
Note: Do not submit your bid/proposal to the contact person’s email address!

Please send your technical questions no later than July 19, 2024 at 10:00 AM (Kyiv time).

UNFPA will provide clarifications by email no later than July 23, 2024 at 10:00 AM (Kyiv time).

Documents to be submitted with the bid (no partial bids allowed):
a. Completed and signed Bid Submission Form (Annex - 1);
b. Bidders Identification Form (Annex - 2);
c. Product Item Overview Form (Annex - 3);
d. Technical bid, including detailed technical specifications, catalogues, and pictures to
demonstrate that specification and quality of the products are in line with the requirements listed
in the bidding documents.
e. Financial bid including the price schedule (Annex - 4);
f. Warranty letter
g. The supplier must provide an official letter indicating the authorized local dealer that will
provide warranty services, after-sales support, installation (where applicable), and commissioning

- Annex 1 - Bid Submission Form
- Annex 2 - Bidders Identification Form
- Annex 3 - Product Item Overview Form
- Annex 4 - Financial bid (Price Schedule Form)

For technical clarifications:

Mrs. Olga Revuk revuk@unfpa.org

Mr. Maksym Grechishnikov grechishnikov@unfpa.org