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Call for Bids: Procurement of Medical Equipment

Call for Bids: Procurement of Medical Equipment


Dear Sir/Madam,
We hereby solicit your Bid for the supply of the following items (Medical Equipment) with the following technical specifications per items (goods should be provided on DAP Kyiv, Ukraine basis, partial bids are allowed under this ITB per items):

If you are interested in submitting a bid for these items/services, kindly fill in the attached submission form and together with other required documents send it to the secure email address indicated below/not later than: March 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM (Kyiv time).
Please ensure to mark your email with the ITB reference number and the words “Sealed bid. Do not open before March 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM (Kyiv time).”

Secure email address for bid submission ua-procurement@unfpa.org Note: Do not submit your bid/proposal to the contact person’s email address!

No. Item Quantity, pcs

Technical Specifications:

1)Infant ventilator with HFOV 1. Please refer to Annex 6 - Technical Specifications

2) Mobile X-ray 2
3) Neonatal intensive care incubator 2
4) Birthing bed 2

Please submit your quotation in USD currency. Conversion of currency into the UNFPA preferred currency, if the offer is quoted differently from what is required, shall be based only on UN Operational Exchange Rate prevailing at the time of competition deadline.

The UNFPA terms of payment are 100% net payment, 30 days upon complete receipt of goods with shipping documents, invoices and other documentation required by the contract.