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In his meeting with the Interim President of Ukraine, Speaker of the Parliament, H.E. Mr. Oleksander Turchinov, Mr. Serry conveyed the Secretary-General’s solidarity with all Ukrainians and his commitment to assist a Ukrainian-led inclusive governance process.

Please, see full text of the statement of the Spokesperson of the UN Secretary - General:

‘The Secretary-General continues to closely follow the rapidly unfolding events in Ukraine. He has remained in continual contact with key actors on how to support a peaceful way forward for Ukraine at this time of transformation.

He reiterates his call for non-violence and urges all Ukrainians to express their differences peacefully and through dialogue, and to seek a durable solution through compromise.

The Secretary-General, above all, calls for an inclusive political process that reflects the aspirations of all Ukrainians and preserves Ukraine`s unity and territorial integrity. In order to bring about a stable and prosperous future for Ukraine, the Secretary-General calls for a firm commitment, by all concerned, to uphold the key principles of democracy and human rights and thereby create a conducive environment for free and fair elections.

To assure Ukrainians of the support of the UN and the wider international community, the Secretary-General has sent his senior advisor Mr. Robert Serry to Ukraine. The Secretary-General expects all key international actors to work collaboratively to help Ukrainians at this challenging time in their country`s history.

In his meeting with the new Speaker of the Parliament, H.E. Mr. Oleksander Turchinov, Mr. Serry conveyed the Secretary-General`s solidarity with all Ukrainians and his commitment to assist a Ukrainian-led inclusive governance process.