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SDGs in Ukraine

SDGs in Ukraine


SDGs in Ukraine

calendar_today 08 June 2018

In September 2015 the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York hosted the UN Sustainableс Development Summit, which approved new development targets. The final document from the summit, ‘Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’, identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 supporting targets.

Like other UN Member States, Ukraine joined the global process of sustainable development. A participatory and inclusive process to adapt the SDGs to the Ukrainian context was launched to establish a national strategic framework for Ukraine up to 2030 based on the principle ‘leave no one behind’. Every global target was reviewed, taking into consideration the specific national context. In 2016, Ukraine held four national and ten regional consultations. Following the consultations, we can conclude that the SDGs should ensure the national integration of efforts for economic growth, a commitment to social justice and the need for environmental management.

In an open process to contextualize the SDG targets, the High-Level Interministerial Working Group for the organization of the process of implementing the SDGs for Ukraine and 17 Working Subgroups (one for each goal) were set up, and 32 round tables were held. Over 800 experts from the subject areas covered by the SDGs — officials, managers, specialists from UN agencies, diplomats, scientists, economists, demographers, health professionals, epidemiologists, ecologists, educators, journalists, businessmen, leaders of non-governmental organizations and other civil society representatives — joined the national SDGs identification process. The process of setting targets and establishing the baseline for further monitoring (for 15 years) launched the national discourse on measuring social progress in general and improving the national statistical system. It is necessary to create an open platform to ensure the broad participation of all stakeholders in monitoring progress to achieve the goals.

The national SDGs report will provide a solid foundation for future development planning. Achieving the SDGs requires deep socio-economic transformations in Ukraine and a new global partnership.

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