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In Krenemchuk the youth well-being monitoring was carried out

In Krenemchuk the youth well-being monitoring was carried out


In Krenemchuk the youth well-being monitoring was carried out

calendar_today 26 April 2018

KREMENCHUK, APRIL 26, 2018. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) presented the results of a pilot assessment of the youth well-being in the city of Kremenchuk.


The evaluation was carried out in the framework of the Youth Wellbeing Index (YWI) methodology, which includes 7 main blocks: education, health, economic opportunities, engagement in political and public life, information, communication technologies, safety and security. The proposed YWI calculation methodology is based on the experience of calculating the Regional Human Development Index for Ukraine and the indexes used at the international level to assess the well-being of young people.


Kremenchuk became the first city in Ukraine to apply such methodology for monitoring, calculation and analysis. The creation of convenient monitoring system and its dissemination among municipalities of Ukraine is expected to take place soon. In addition, the system will become a convenient tool for conducting an assessment of cities preparing to join the "Community Friendly for Children and Youth" initiative.

"Young people are the greatest value for Ukraine, and we in the UNFPA are calling to invest in young people, create conditions for the development and well-being of young people", said Pavlo Zamostyan, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine.

The presentation participants:

Pavlo Zamostyan, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Ukraine;

Andriy Poshtaruk, Program Adviser for Youth Affairs of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA);

Olena Makarova, head of the municipal YWI development team, Deputy Research Director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research, PhD in Economics, Associate Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Volodymyr Saryoglo, Head of the IDSR Department for socio-economic processes modeling, PhD in Economics.

Hanna Herasymenko, Senior Researcher, Department of Human Development Research, IDSR, Associate PhD in Economics.


Additional information:

The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) is the leading UN agency focusing on gender equality, reproductive health, youth, population and development.

The "Community Friendly for Children and Youth" initiative is a global movement, launched in 1996 as a practical implementation of the resolution adopted at the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II). Today the initiative is spreading around the world and has been supported by more than 3,000 municipal districts in 38 countries on five continents. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), together with partners from the UNICEF and the Government of Ukraine, joined their efforts to create youth-friendly communities by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation in late March 2018.