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Joint UNFPA/UNHCR training workshop «Reproductive Health, Family Planning and Safe Behavior for refugees» was held in Kyiv

Joint UNFPA/UNHCR training workshop «Reproductive Health, Family Planning and Safe Behavior for refugees» was held in Kyiv


Joint UNFPA/UNHCR training workshop «Reproductive Health, Family Planning and Safe Behavior for refugees» was held in Kyiv

calendar_today 27 November 2012

On 27 November 2012, UNFPA, jointly with UNHCR started a series of 2-day training workshops for asylum seekers and refugees on the issues of Reproductive Health, Family Planning and Safe Behavior.

 The first workshop is being held in Kyiv during 27-28 November 2012 and during the next weeks similar workshops will be conducted in Kharkiv (4-5 December) and Mukachevo (11-12 December).

 Ms. Nuzhat Ehsan, UNFPA Representative in Ukraine and Country Director for Belarus officially opened the workshop on 27 November in Kyiv Refugee Integration Center run by UNHCR. Addressing the participants, Ms. Ehsan stressed on the fact that regardless of nationality, country or cultural and religious background, issues of your Reproductive Health and Family Planning are equally important for all women.
Reproductive Health, Family Planning, and correct understanding of condom use do not reduce the size of the families but rather ensure that health of women is well preserved for future wanted pregnancies.  Training also provides information on dangerous infections, including HIV, and ways how to prevent these infections in order to have a healthy life.
 In the future, UNFPA plans to expand its collaboration with UNHCR and to include interventions targeting gender equality among refugees and asylum seekers.