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Inter-regional youth forum “Youth unites Ukraine” held at recreation camp “Zoryaniy” near Kremenchuk

Inter-regional youth forum “Youth unites Ukraine” held at recreation camp “Zoryaniy” near Kremenchuk

Inter-regional youth forum “Youth unites Ukraine” held at recreation camp “Zoryaniy” near Kremenchuk

calendar_today 08 September 2014

 On 5-7 September 2014,  inter-regional youth forum “Youth unites Ukraine” was held at recreation camp “Zoryaniy” near Kremenchuk, Poltava region. The Forum gathered 200 young activists from different regions of Ukraine. 

The opening ceremony of the Forum started with the welcoming remarks of the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Yuriy Shapovalov and UNFPA Representative in Ukraine Nuzhat Esan. They highlighted the importance of the active youth position in building a peaceful and successful future of the country. 

Youth, students and self-governance organizations activists, NGOs and initiative groups’ leaders became the participants of the event. For 3 days, young leaders worked in 6 committees:

- Youth participation in social life and young people prospects on self-realization;

- Role of youth in European integration;

- Education, access to information, employment and housing for young people;

- Health services and healthy lifestyle for young people;

- Moral and psychological development of young people, promotion of patriotism;

- Promotion of social activism among youth, establishment of sustainable cooperation between local authorities and youth organizations.

NGOs and initiative groups’ Fair was also organized in the framework of the Forum, where different civic organizations presented their work. In addition, many master classes and outdoor sport activities were held during the event.

The result of the Forum took form of Action Plan prepared by each committee and presented for other participants and organizers of the event on the last day of the Forum. This Action Plan is expected to work as guidelines for young people to develop their civic activity over the next 2 years. 

Organizers of the Forum: Department for family, children and youth of the Kremenchuk city council executive committee, Kremenchuk city Youth Parliament, Kremenchuk city committee of youth organizations, Kremenchuk city center of social services for families, children and youth financially supported by UNFPA Ukraine.

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